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Chile And India Strengthen Ties On Tech Crimes, Drug Trafficking

It was discussed to  explore conducting workshops to build capacity workshops to build capacity in combating technology – enabled crimes, exchange criminal investigation techniques and share best practices in digital forensics.
During the visit, he held discussions with Praveen Sood, Director, CBI and senior officials of CBI. (Image Credit : X/CBIHeadquarters)

The Republic of Chile’s Ambassador Juan Angula and Police Attache PDI (Policia  De Investigaciones De Chile) Rafael Andres Tellez Benucci, visited The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) headquarters on Monday, May 21. Discussions regarding combating technology driven crimes and drug trafficking were held with CBI Director Praveen Sood and other senior officials.

CBI in a Press release said, “During the visit, he held discussions with Praveen Sood, Director, CBI and senior officials of CBI. He acknowledged the close operation between CBI and PDI, especially in areas of combating technology – enabled crimes, drug trafficking and transitional crimes.  He understood the importance of collaborative efforts and thanked CBI for arranging events in the past with PDI, Chile, for exchange on forensics and combating organized crime”.

The Press release also stated, that “The Chilean delegation visited the Global Operation Centre of CBI. It was deliberated to strengthen the collaborative framework for police cooperation. H.E. Juan Angulo Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic of Chile in India while interacting with senior officers of CBI, thanked CBI for the collaborative spirit and reiterated commitment to enhance cooperation. It was discussed to  explore conducting workshops to build capacity workshops to build capacity in combating technology – enabled crimes, exchange criminal investigation techniques and share best practices in digital forensics. Mr. Praveen Sood thanked Ambassador of Chile for his visit. Both sides agreed to enhance the effectiveness of law enforcement cooperation”.

The relationship of the two nations – India and Chile are guarded by warmth and friendship. Both the country’s vision is similar in terms of issues, according to the Embassy of India in Santingo. The two nations discussed on a multilateral dimension and share similar views of climate change- issues and reforms of UNSC (United Nations Security Council).

Anushka Jaiswal
Author: Anushka Jaiswal

Anushka Jaiswal is pursuing a degree in journalism and Mass Communication. I am more interested in listening to the podcast rather than reading books. My hobbies include listening to music, journaling philosophical thoughts. From my school days I have taken a keen interest in debate competitions whether it is English or Hindi. I am not much indulged in the sports but I remain active in some of the co curricular activities like cycling, swimming, running, jogging and the like.

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